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Rediscover your creativity

Has the summer thrown you off track with your writing project? Did you put away your art materials in June and neglect to pull them out again?

Fall is a great time to look at your schedule and see how you can get back to the studio. Even a few hours will make you feel like yourself again: your dreamy absorbed genius self.

Let's build some picket fences

In September I'm doing a series of blog posts based on my ebook, "Safeguarding Your Creative Time: A Workbook for Setting Boundaries." I'll walk through the steps myself and you can follow along. Sign up for my RSS feed so you don't miss an entry.

Together we'll make sure that our creative time is respected by surrounding it with a (charming but emphatic) white picket fence.

Don't let the masses trample your flower gardens! Keep some space for your work to bloom.

If you're on this email list, you should have a copy of the ebook so you can follow along. Let me know if you need to download it again.

What's up with your creative life?

I'm planning my coaching programs for the fall, and I'd love to get your input.

If you have a minute, would you answer my survey? There are only a few short questions.

Here's to getting you Back To The Studio,

Alison Gresik
Creativity Coach
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Alison Gresik, Creativity Coach
Suite 210 – 1737 West 3rd Avenue
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