Michele Price

You will hear people say "@ProsperityGal is a true Texas gal who laughs, creates and inspires where ever she goes."

I ask you the deeper questions. Uncover the solutions in the challenges. I am that loyal colleague that will stretch you beyond your imagination.

Very proud of my Native American ancestry (Cherokee) and being connected to something bigger than me has been a guide all my life. Big dogs are a favorite of mine, especially Rottweilers. I have learned as a human Rottweiler we are a intelligent, protective and generous breed. That sort of sums me up.

You can find me on Mondays leading deep discussions on Breakthrough Business Strategies, Women In Business radio and #Speakchat to start your week off with a great brain food, as well as expert consultive interviews.

Giving a strong voice to women in business is how I pay it back. I wanna hear from those interested in experiencing a dynamic straight talking speaker-I do it to fund my nutella addiction-please email my agent.